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For this assignment, we created a video using the program Explain Everything. The purpose of this assignment was to create an informational video that could be shown to students in a self paced or flipped classroom setting for math. I chose to do the topic of fractions for a third grade classroom. I found the program incredibly interesting because I could add voice, images, other videos, and even create my own drawings. It is important I understand how to use this technology as a preservice teacher because many situations call for students to watch videos of me directly teaching. For example, I may decide to do self paced learning in math where students can go through the videos at their own speed. This allows students to pause the video and ask additional questions whenever they need to. As we have learned through lecture this year, there may also be times where I want my students to watch the video at home, if possible, and come to class with questions the next day. This allows me to focus my attention on reviewing and exploring their questions rather than talking the whole time. This assignment was to be around five minutes in length, which I think is appropriate for the cognitive development of an elementary student. Some of the challenges I encountered were using the draw tool and having an appropriate speed. Using Explain Everything helped me grow in these areas. It allowed me to be creative while practicing professional skills I will need when I do teach a third grade class someday. It gave me valuable practice combining content, pedagogy, and technology.

Explain Everything

"The flipped classroom is a way to provide personalized education for all kids."


This assignment allowed me to grow in developing Standard 2: "Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards." Specifically, I felt I strongly worked toward part b. â€œDevelop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress." By familiarizing myself with Explain Everything, my students would be able to work at their own pace and proceed through the videos at their appropriate level. By watching the video I created, and completing the activity, I am helping my students manage their own goals and become active participants in their learning. Creating these videos in my future classroom will incorporate digital tools to enhance the content being taught. While creating my lesson through an online video, I saw additional application for Explain Everything. This technology helped me start to develop part c. of this standard which reads, "c. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources." The reason I chose this part of the standard was that I could use Explain Everything to make mutiple videos all teaching the same topic. Similar to how students can pace themselves, students could also choose different levels of a specific lesson. For example, a student could watch a video that will challenge them or maybe they will choose to watch a video that will refresh the content. I could even provide videos to Special Education instructors or students who are ELL so they can watch the videos in advance that would help fit their personal learning needs.

ISTE Standard 2

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