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This assignment strengthened my development of ISTE Standard 2 and 3. Standard 2 is to "Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments." This standard describes how teachers should "be able to design and evaluate authentic learning experiences and incorporate resources to maximize student learning." The Information Literacy assignment helped me practice evaluating sites and making decisions on if the site would increase student learning in a safe and effective manner. In my online evaluation paper, I was given the opportunity to explore how I would use and adapt these sites for my students depending on age level and ability. This skill gave me a better understanding of Standard 2 part a. "Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity." Certain sites I explored were credible and would allow me to innovate technology in my lesson rather than intergrate. For example, the My Storyboook website would allow my students to do the whole writing process online with digital tools, rather than just the final product. Having my students use an updated site to create images and sounds to their writing is seeing the site through a creative lens. This project also helped me begin developing ISTE Standard 2B because by allowing my students to identify safe and accurate web sites, I am enabling them to explore their curiosities. Part b. states, "Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress." I also emphasized earlier how teaching them to evaluate their research is teaching them to teach themselves. This allows them to be in charge of their own learning. It is my job to give them the resources, practice, and guidance, but ultimately their outside technology use will be up to them; this is why showing them the importance of accurate sites will allow them to assess their own progress when researching or using online sources.


Standard 3 is to model digital age work and learning. Being a positive example for my students will help guide them toward becoming genuine people in the real world. If I am googling the answers to all my questions during class, how will my students take me seriously when I show them more reliable sites? This assignment allowed me to set goals for myself related to the websites I use daily and gave me information on ways to improve my own judgment of information I read online. It also helped me develop ISTE standard 3d, "Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning." I chose ISTE Standard 3d because after learning what makes a site a useful one, I am able to model, analyze, and evaluate information resources in class. This will allow my students to have a good example to follow. Sites are always changing and this project helped me view current tools my future students may be using. This assignment also helped me grow closer to achieving part a, "Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations." Often times I can be set in my ways and stick to information I am familiar with as the only way to accomplish a task. While evaluating sites, I had never seen many of the ones on the list. This showed me that whether a site is completely new to me or has been around forever, I can still apply my credibility checklist to any site I see. It is also important to recheck if a site you have been using for a long time is still reliable because many times the information may not be updated. I also was able to use my current knowledge of curriculum when deciding if a site would be useful in my classroom. For example, I currently have knowledge about space and know that it is a part of science for elementary students. I can apply this knowledge to how I introduce students to the Space Place website to expand the content I teach in the classroom. 

Information Literacy

During this assignment, I was able to learn critera for what makes a website credible and then apply these skills to websites I could potentially use with my future students. The first step was to go through the list of websites and use a given and mental checklist to determine if the site should be used. I found very helpful sites where I could have my students practice information literacy or where they could use the site to futher their writing skills; I also found websites that were a hoax and would lead my students to unsafe locations online. Evaluating websites takes much more than a quick glance. Anyone should consider the author, the date updated, the citations, or any bias present. Often times, the answer to if a website should be used or not is unclear. When this occurs, a person should review their checklist and see what important componenets are missing. As a future teacher, I kept in mind saftey and whether the site would enrich my students' learning experience or not. You can see the five websites I evaluated by clicking the Website Evaluation Sheets button at the top of this page. After determining which websites were credible and which were not, I had the opportunity to explain why I made those decisions and what criteria was most helpful. I was able to critically think about what I would use the websites for in my classroom and how I would scaffold the activities. I learned that part of information literacy is to be able to verbalize why a site is trustworthy. My online evaluation paper details my process of searching each website in depth. You can read my paper by clicking the "Online Evaluation" button at the top of this page. A crucial component of being an effective teacher is reflection. I believe reflection will change me from a good teacher to a great teacher. Being able to consciously think about what I have learned and how I can improve in the future is a skill I should practice daily. Reflection should also be taught and implemented in my elementary classroom. Student practice of reflection will enable them to become more mindful and self aware. I have written a reflection on my experience with the information literacy assignment and you can read it above. It is separated into three categories: what (the steps of the assignment), so what (how the assignment was important), and now what (how I will use this assignment to better myself as an educator).

ISTE Standards 2 and 3

"We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely."

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