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During this assignment, we created an online game and an interactive card using the coding program Scratch. Coding fosters creativity and is a great way to incorporate STEM into the classroom. Scratch helps you code anything you want and offers tutorials on how to get started using the different blocks. For the first part of the assignment, I coded a pong game with instructions. This assignment took me some time and I encountered many challenges. For example, I forgot to separate my different movement blocks and so everything was trying to run at once and it froze. These challenges taught me perserverance and the importance of double checking everything. After playing the game, you can also click inside and see the codes used. Scratch promotes collaboration as well because you can add or change the coding of someone else's project that is public on Examples of the codes I used include playing a sound when the paddle and ball come in contact, moving to a certain position at the start of the game, and stopping the game when the ball hits a certain area. We also added extensions to our project. For mine, I included a game score and what level the player is on. These additions increase the enjoyment and competitiveness of the game. 


"Talk is cheap, show me the code."

Click on the image above to play my pong game!
Click on the image above to view my greeting card!

A second apart of the assignment was to design a greeting card using Scratch. We could choose what the card would be for and I chose Valentine's Day. We had to include at least four sprites and sound that all moved and fit together appropriately. I chose to use 5 sprites and added a color changing feature to make the card more pleasing to the eye. I chose to add a fun love song to make the card more realistic of one you would buy at the store. When selecting the music, I found the clip off of a cite that was free for anyone to use and abided fair use by not going over the required amount of time. Some of the codes I used in my project include when to start and stop the music, what location the penguins will move to, and how long the text will appear for. Timing was key during this part of the project. I played around with many of the coding blocks and used tutorials to determine the most effective way to time out all of the movements. I also used a repeat code to wrap around the movement of the two hearts during the duration of the card. Coding this card showed me applicable ways to use coding in the classroom that would engage my students in learning. It allowed me to be original and unique.



This assignment helped me develop ISTE Standard 1. This standard is to "Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments." Specifically, I developed part a. "Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness." I feel Scratch has enabled me to meet this standard because of the wide variety of uses. I can introduce this to my students who can use it to create their own games, cards, or other interactive things they are passionate about. It enables STEM to be introduced in the classroom and encourages an "engineering" mindset at a young age. Students can use technology to show their knowledge of a lesson while expressing their originality. This assignment helped me learn how to use Scratch and other similar technologies for the first time. I had never coded before and felt that this assignment lead me to be become knowledgable on how to use the technology myself. Being able to accurately use this technology is crucial for me as a future teacher. I need to be able to help answer students' questions and guide them through using this technology. Scratch can be used very effectively by students during math content lessons. They can demonstrate their understanding of coding in ways of their choosing which brings in the creative element of this standard. I can foster their creativity by allowing them to create cards for any purpose or a game of their choosing similar to what we did in class. I also believe this technology use in my classroom will promote feedback and positive crticisms from their peers because of a unique feature of the Scratch program; the program allows other people to edit your public work. This allows collaboration and innovation in a virtual environment. Some people argue that coding should be considered its own language. Using Scratch and similar programs correctly in my classroom can inspire students to critically think and develop new lifelong skills. Many times teachers confuse creativity with only artistic ability. Scratch and Scratch Jr. are great ways to foster imagination and go above and beyond the guidelines.

ISTE Standard 1

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